Science Excellence: Recap of Bayer Foundation's Science Awards Ceremony

Bayer Foundation recognizes outstanding achievements in scientific research, promoting brilliant young scientists with the potential to develop their fields, as well as honoring the breakthrough contributions of world-leading experts. In honoring these extraordinary scientists, Bayer Foundation awarded five distinguished scientists for their groundbreaking work in a ceremony in Leverkusen beginning of 2024.
We kicked off the awards ceremony with a Scientific Symposium themed "Fascination for the Molecules of Life," where each awardee presented their groundbreaking work accompanied by Bayer scientists in their fields of specialization. From exploring immunity molecules across various species to developing new compounds for medical treatments, the presentations showcased the diverse facets of scientific inquiry.

Breaking Barriers: Professor Dr. Claudia Höbartner secures prestigious Hansen Family Award 2023
The highlight of the event was the Award Ceremony, where the winners of the Early Excellence in Science Awards and the Hansen Family Award were honored. Recognizing outstanding contributions in chemistry, biology, medical science, and data science, these awards underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in addressing global challenges. The Hansen Family Award, went to Professor Claudia Höbartner. The research scientist at the University of Würzburg (JMU), Germany received the award in recognition of her research in the structural and mechanistic characterization and application of functional nucleic acids, called deoxyribozymes for DNA or ribozymes for RNA, respectively. Nucleic acids were long time primarily seen as molecules for information storage and information transfer in living cells.
2023 Hansen Family Award Winner - Professor Dr. Claudia Höbartner
Shaping the future of science: Our Early Excellence in Science Talents
The distinguished awardees were Erin Stache from Princeton University for Chemistry, Gal Ofir from the Max Planck Institute for Biology in Tübingen, Germany, for Biology, Vivi Maketa from the University of Kinshasa, DR Congo, for Medical Science, and Michael Skinnider, also from Princeton University, for Data Science.
Discover the fascinating research conducted by the awardees by clicking here.

The video below showcases an in-depth look into the research work and accomplishments of the Early Excellence in Science awardees.
Early Excellence in Science Winners 2023 I Bayer Foundation
If you want to watch the full ceremony, find the recording here:
Opening & Early Excellence in Science Awards 2022 I Bayer Foundation